terça-feira, novembro 08, 2005

Princess One Point Five.

Mais uma dica do Buscate un Novio. A música é deliciosa. Vale ouvir. Coloquei duas que estavam no site acima, especializado em mulheres ligadas à música.

inadequate response (at long last, 2005)
by the time i get to phoenix i'll be... (at long last, 2005)

Parte do bio da australiana Sarah-Jane Wentzki está abaixo, no original. Se quiser ver mais, clica aqui.
Princess One Point Five is a solo project of sorts, the brainchild of Sarah-Jane Wentzki in collaboration with her partner Richard Andrew, and friends Jacob Pearce and Domenic Stanton (Because of Ghosts). At Long Last was recorded over 4 months, in between full time work and full time study, at the institution that is Fitzroy's Pharmacy Records.