quarta-feira, novembro 09, 2005

Quer ganhar US$10 fácil? Pergunte-me como.

E nós que pensávamos que apenas os países de terceiro mundo tinham votos comprados e mais ainda, só na política. O BlogHerald nos alerta que a BlogStar Networks, nos EUA, está pagando US10 por post no seu blog falando, preferencialmente, bem. Parece uma forma fácil e rápido de ganhar um dinheiro para pagar o cinema e as pipocas, mas a ética nos faz questionar isso. Veja abaixo o anúncio na íntegra, que começa com o email abaixo:
Are you or your readers into Ali G or the NBA? If so we’d like to invite you to post about a new site they’ll love with hilarious Ali G videos talkin smack with NBA superstars. If you’re interested, let us know and we’ll send you the details. Cool rewards are available as a proper thank you, of course. It’s really simple. But if you don’t want to play, just ignore this and blog away on other cool stuff.

que foi seguido por isso:

We are happy to hear that you are interested. Here’s the deal, plain and simple:

1. Go to http://www.respectandtruth.com/
2. Make a posting on your blog about what you think about the site (we definitely appreciate more positive posts). The posting must include a link to the URL http://www.respectandtruth.com/
3. Send us the exact URL of your blog post and your paypal email address.
4. We’ll send you $10 to your paypal account.

That’s it. Easy money… go buy a burger or something.

-The BlogStar Network.